Sunday, May 16, 2010

Baby Shower in the Board Room

Friday, I had the pleasure of throwing a baby shower for a friend and co-worker. Alexis is a fellow artist and a proud modern-hippie. She is a connoisseur of all things earth-friendly, and naturally enjoys a meatless diet - bacon was far from this vegetarian menu!

My favorite part was the veggie-inspired center-pieces - I just had to share them! Creativity is a blessing and can be so much fun! 

It was easy to be inspired by the green, orange and brown themed nursery that Alexis has so delicately handcrafted for her soon-arriving baby girl. You'll notice the proud parents-to-be, Alexis and Kevin below. They are the one's beaming with joy - oh, and the one with the big belly!! :)

Alexis is a very talented photographer and owner of Studio Xplore - check out her blog! I can imagine we will see many photos of the baby when she arrives..!!


Alexis May 16, 2010 at 6:53 PM  

Love it!!! Nicely presented, and of course, I loved the centerpieces!! Brilliant. I'm going to steal the modern-hippie line :).

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Affirmative | Ten4 Design Studio

Ten4 DS, designing and communicating compelling campaigns and custom correspondence.

1. affirming; asserting the truth
2. expressing
3. positive; not negative

by Danni Schertzing

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