Monday, March 15, 2010

Under Construction!

Hello friends,
I "unplugged" last week and went to Florida with my family. On the unfortunate rainy days, I spent some time doing a little construction on my blog. (You may have noticed some blank posts...) Through the these continuous improvements, I'm hoping for a better stage to share thoughts and work with you!  Thanks for bearing with me as I work out the kinks :)

By the way, who's out there anyway?! Leave a comment about where you vacationed last.... Love to know who I'm reaching out to!

Siesta Key, Florida.  Pictured: Dad, Me, Ash (sister), Mom, Jeffery (brother), Jeanna (sister-in-law), Eric (brother). Missing (and we really missed him too!): Brad (hubby)


Anonymous,  March 16, 2010 at 2:30 PM  

I should have called you! Brittney and I were in Florida the same week. We flew into Fort Myers and stayed in Lake Suzy near Puenta Gorta. We never made it to the beach but if we did we planned to go to Siesta Keys. The weather didn't cooperate but it was nice to get away. Hope all is well with you. Talk to you soon,


Alexis March 17, 2010 at 11:46 AM  

You know I'm a faithful reader :). Hmmm, last vacation was July last summer - a camping weekend in Leelanau. Gosh, I think it's time for another vacation!!


Anonymous,  March 17, 2010 at 6:43 PM i don't think i can remember my last one!!! :(

p.s. you are all very brown even without the florida sun!!

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Affirmative | Ten4 Design Studio

Ten4 DS, designing and communicating compelling campaigns and custom correspondence.

1. affirming; asserting the truth
2. expressing
3. positive; not negative

by Danni Schertzing

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